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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Iron Man 2

Jessie's thoughts:
4 1/2 pops

First of all, you should know that Iron Man is my favorite superhero and the first Iron Man movie is one of my all time favorite movies. That being said, I had very high expectations for this sequel and I have to say - they were definitely met. Iron Man 2 had everything that I expected of it. It was funny, it had the action, it had the little "inside jokes" that only the comic book fans would understand and it was just flat out entertaining. Robert Downey Jr. was awesome, as always, Gywneth Paltrow was just as charming as in the original and Scarlett Johanssen was wonderful. I really don't have anything bad to say about the movie except that there were just a few scenes that kind of dragged a little bit. It wasn't quite as good as the first one, but it was damn close. I just loved it and I think that everyone should go see it. It was exactly what I expected it to be and even a little bit more. It's definitely one you're gonna want to see in the theaters and you can even take the kiddos as this is for sure one movie that everyone can and will enjoy.

Adam's thoughts:
4 1/2 pops

I’m not going to write a long thing about this movie because I feel that you should all trust it when I say this movie was freak’n awesome. If you haven’t been to the movies to see this yet, or you're still on the fence, get your butt in gear and go and see it. Like the first one, it rocked from the moment it was on screen to the moment after the credits were done rolling. Robert did his best in this movie giving true life to the character Tony Stark. Comic book fans will drool over this movie with every small easter egg they drop. I about went into a twitching comatose state, foaming at the mouth, when I saw the shield. I know, I’m a geek and I have a bad addiction but for someone who can’t get enough this movie satisfied much of my hunger. The new characters who were introduced did wonderful and Scarlet Johanssen gave me a new school boy hard-on for the Black Widow. I’ve heard some critics hit this movie because it didn’t have enough action, and I’m here to tell you that it did go hard on the plot but when the action was rolling it was a rollercoaster. It's like they waited to the very end to pack in all the action you could ever want. They did a good job too, the ending scene had me on the edge of my seat. Very few movies get me this worked up and this one did a great job. The only thing keeping it from the 5 is that at some points when they showed the plot it went a bit slow. Like Jessie, I felt that a high octane movie like this should have not had any slow points. Now I’m not saying it was slow enough to keep you from going to see it, I’m just saying it kept it from getting the A+ that the first one got but it's still an A anyway you look at it and your parents are still gonna be proud. Now, if you haven’t gotten off your ass to go see this movie after reading all this then you might as well never go see an action movie again. GO AND SEE IT! NOW! All I can say is if you do go see it, at the end stay until the credits are gone for a bit of a treat. No Johanssen doesn’t take her shirt off but its almost as good. HAMMER TIME!

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