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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Jessie's thoughts:
3½ pops

Now, when I first saw the trailer for Legion I thought that it was going to be a bad combination of Constantine and Terminator. However, the more I watched the trailer the better it looked and the more excited I got for this movie. After watching it this weekend, I gotta say that this movie is exactly what I thought it was going to be. They totally combined the story lines of Constantine and Terminator and ended up with Legion. Unlike my original opinion, though, I don’t think that it was necessarily a bad combination. In fact, I kind of loved this movie. Now, in order to understand why I liked this movie as much as I did, you should probably know that I love action/horror movies and Legion was right up that alley. Also, Constantine and Terminator are two of my all time favorite movies so of course I’d love a movie that combined the two!

The action scenes were incredible and there were plenty of them so I was definitely entertained throughout the movie. There were a couple of parts that the dialogue seemed to be getting a little long-winded, but then someone would kill something and I’d be all interested again. I loved the way that Paul Bettany portrayed his character, Michael. He did a fantastic job of bridging the line between soldier of God and just being downright crazy and actually made Michael seem very realistic which I don’t consider to be a very easy task. I also thought that Dennis Quaid and Tyrese Gibson were amazing but come on, it’s Dennis Quaid and Tyrese Gibson. I’ve never seen a movie that they weren’t incredible in. However, I was very disappointed in the actors that played Jeep and Charlie. Jeep was played by Lucas Black who I’ve seen be so great in other things. In this, though, they totally could have changed actors and I would not have even noticed let alone cared. I don’t understand what went wrong there! Charlie, Adrianne Palicki, should have been the main focus of this movie and she should have been someone that you felt for and wanted to root for. But… I really couldn’t force myself to care too much about her. Instead, I was blown away by Paul Bettany and found myself really empathizing with his character and wanting him to survive more than Charlie. I also thought the chemistry between Charlie and Jeep was so incredibly forced and almost painful to watch. It seemed to me like they just threw in this almost love story between the two characters just because they could. This should have been an action movie through and through and in order to do that, they should have just left out most of the scenes between Charlie and Jeep.

However, the action scenes were definitely great and I did really like the almost zombie apocalypse but for a reason thing they had going on in the movie. I also think that a lot of the reason that I liked this movie so much was because I agree with the way they portrayed the angels as being soldiers and not cute little cherubic babies that are just so darn sweet. However, if you are not a big fan of seeing angels in a fierce and almost horrific light then this movie is probably not one you would want to see. It’s also a very stereo-typical action movie. It’s kind of corny and the entire movie really rests on the action sequences and a few of the actors’ shoulders. If you like typical, blow-everything-up-and-kill-everyone action movies like I do, then you definitely will like this movie and should for sure see it in the theater. If not, this is probably one that you should wait to rent or just skip all together.

Adam's thoughts:
3 pops

This movie was exactly what I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, you’d think I’d give a movie that I "wanted" to see 5 pops or I’d expect that kind of performance. Not here. I really believed that this movie was going to be about a 3 and I wasn’t disappointed. I’m a huge fan of Dennis Quaid and although he has been "in" disappointing movies, he himself rarely disappoints. Now I wouldn’t say this movie was a disappointment at all. Come on, angels coming from heaven and killing people and Michael cutting off his own wings and letting loose with multiple automatic weaponry... it’s what you expect from an action film with angels in it.

I agree with Jessie that this movie definitely has a ring to Constantine and Terminator. That is SO not a bad thing. Those movies were awesome. This one was good too but it just couldn’t carry the torch. I agree that the acting was a little rough between the characters of Jeep and Charlie (not to mention who names their kid Jeep?) but the actors who played them could have been anyone. Neither of the actors flared on the screen. Luckily, there are two things in this world with the initials DQ that you can always count on... Dairy Queen and Dennis Quaid. And Dennis Quaid was about the only reason to go to see this movie if you ask me. Well him and the explosions and Angels in full wing fighting with there Wing Fu. (Yes I said Wing Fu)

Overall if you’re into seeing some alright special effects and you like seeing them on the big screen then this is definitely one you’ll want to hit the theaters for. If you don’t mind watching such things on your home entertainment system then definitely at least rent this movie. It is a ‘should’ see not a ‘must’ see. Now… on to my Wing Fu lesson.

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